Radar System Modernization


Radar System Modernization


  • Modernization of specific radar subsystems like displays, signal processing, or software.
  • Comprehensive overhaul of all radar subsystems, including antenna systems and electronic units.
  • Capabilities of modernizing both TESLA-manufactured and other radar systems.
  • In-house production capabilities for radar modernization components.
  • Project planning to component production, installation, and rigorous testing.

T-CZ has the ability to modernize radar system involving partial or comprehensive upgrade to meet specific customer requirements. This process entails replacing outdated radar components with cutting-edge technology-driven units. Partial modernization targets specific radar subsystems, such as displays, signal processing, or software implementation, while comprehensive modernization encompasses a complete overhaul of all radar subsystems.

Overall radar modernization involves refurbishing the antenna system and replacing electronic components like transmitters, receivers, signal processors, control systems, and data recording units. T-CZ has the expertise to modernize both older TESLA-manufactured radar systems (e.g., RP-5G, RL-64, RPL-4, RPL-5) and radar systems from different manufacturers. The process begins with the development of a modernization project, subject to customer approval, and includes the delivery of new user documentation, including operation and maintenance manuals.

T-CZ offers a skilled team, in-house production capabilities, international experience, and comprehensive services in radar modernization, from project planning to component production, installation, and rigorous testing for optimal performance.